Archive: Benefits of Workday

Wondering what Workday can do for you? Whether you’re an administrator, manager, leader, or faculty and staff, the new system offers many intuitive features designed to make it easier for everyone across the Universities of Wisconsin to do their work.

Expand the menu or menus that most closely resemble your role to see some of the many ways Workday will improve your employee experience.

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I'm a UW employee.

  • Get what you need with fewer clicks
    In Workday, your personal information will be managed in one platform, meaning you won’t have to jump to different systems to update your contact information, see your pay slips, or request time off.
  • Find flexibility away from the office
    Workday’s optional mobile app lets you manage time off and submit and track expense reports while you’re on the go.
  • Plan your next vacation or absence with ease
    Workday updates time-off and absence totals the moment you make a change, letting you see your balances in real time.

I'm a member of the UW faculty.

  • Save time hunting down information about tenure
    Workday will house this information in personalized online resource centers.
  • Get an improved, real-time view into project budgets
    Plus, Workday will alert you when you reach a project fund’s limit.

I manage or supervise UW staff.

  • Make better staffing decisions thanks to real-time leave info
    Workday provides in-the-moment time and absence information and a comprehensive view of your team’s time off, making it easier for you to make or support staffing decisions.
  • Conduct a more efficient recruiting process
    Hiring managers will save time and do fewer manual tasks during recruitment thanks to Workday’s automated, standardized processes and integrated HR environment.

I serve in a finance role or provide financial support to my unit, division, department, or school.

Workday will benefit finance administrators by providing:

  • A user-friendly experience, with less manual entry and greater automations
    Workday offers sleek, intuitive features like auto-population and drag-and-drop that will make inputting data easier.
  • Real-time financial data, for better visibility
    Workday combines financial and human resources information in one system, giving staff better visibility into unit financials.
  • A simpler year-end process
    Workday houses financial information in one place, meaning less time clicking through disparate systems and spreadsheets to find the information you need.
  • A streamlined month-end close
    Thanks to Workday’s automated bank statement line matching capabilities, reconciliation can happen daily, saving time at month end.

I serve in an HR role or provide HR support to my unit, division, department, or school.

Workday will benefit human resources administrators by providing:

  • More accurate leave reporting
    Workday offers real-time and improved employee self-service features that will relieve the burden on HR staff.
  • Less manual data entry
    Workday combines data in a single platform, reducing the need for staff to copy and paste information from one system to another.
  • Better compliance tracking
    Workday stores employment-related training and compliance requirements in one place, improving oversight and reporting.

I am a research administrator or provide research admin support to my unit, division, department, or school.

Workday will benefit research administrators by providing:

  • Better compliance with sponsor reporting requirements
    Workday will serve as the single, integrated system that will house budget and expenditure information.
  • More accurate real-time reporting
    The availability of improved reports will decrease the need for retroactive research cost transfers and transaction adjustments.

I'm a division or department leader.

Workday will benefit division and department leaders by offering:

  • Better information for better decision-making
    Workday provides more robust and trustworthy data and reports that will help you make critical decisions for your unit.
  • Standardized processes to improve knowledge transfer
    Standardized processes across units, departments, divisions, and institutions will help internal hires contribute their talents to their unit faster.
  • More time on transformational work and less on transactional tasks
    Automated steps and standardized workflows allow department staff to refocus their talents on mission-critical work.

I'm a leader at a UW school or institution.

Workday will benefit leaders across the Universities of Wisconsin by providing:

  • More trustworthy financial data
    Less manual data entry lowers the chance for errors and improves robustness and accuracy of reporting – empowering us to make data-driven decisions related to financial forecasting and workforce planning.
  • Decreased risk around compliance, audits, and information security
    Standardized processes, centralized finance and HR data, and greater automations reduce risk across the board, from compliance reporting and audits to information security.
  • Greater opportunity to scale and evolve with the UWs’ changing needs
    Workday’s cloud-based platform will allow us to adapt to the universities’ changing needs more efficiently and without a decline in system performance.

What's Great About Workday? Hear From UW's Leaders

Photograph of Sheronda Glass“It will be great to provide tools for employees to find information at their fingertips — they won’t have to make a call or fill out a piece of paper then wait a few days for us to respond. They can get quick information and help manage themselves and their careers.”

—Sheronda Glass, Chief Human Resources Officer, UW-Parkside

“Workday Learning will provide a better way to assign learning to new employees and to those with specific job titles. New staff won’t have to go to various sources for their training. It will be in one place and provide a much better onboarding experience.”

—Tammy Starr, Registration & Learning Management System Coordinator, UW–Madison

Photograph of Jessica Wright“I am most excited about the transparency of information for managers, such as organizational charts, staff data, a clear path to initiate business processes — and it’s all in a one-stop shop.”

—Jessica Wright, Interim Chief Human Resources Officer, UW-Platteville

“In addition to submitting expense reports on a mobile phone, having the Expense Data Entry Specialist be able to submit a report on behalf of a traveler will be a huge plus for us and save a lot of time for our staff.”

—James Muller, UW–Madison Director of Business Operations-Athletics

Photograph of Eric Roesler“UW-Stevens Point is moving away from transactional HR and toward transformational HR, so having that single source of truth, the elimination of duplicate entry, a more unified and robust way to organize jobs, and so many other great features are all going to allow us to enhance the [staff] experience.”

—Eric Roesler, Chief Human Resources Officer, UW-Stevens Point