Workday wordplay: 6 terms to know

Workday training begins in March 2025, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait till then to start learning. In fact, you can start today by learning these six Workday terms!

Approval: A step in a business process that allows someone to review data entered and either approve and move the process forward or send the task back for more information.

Driver Worktag: A Driver Worktag is the primary funding source for a transaction. Driver Worktags include Grant, Gift, Project, and Program.

Foundation Data Model (FDM): FDM is the new framework to support accounting and financial reporting in Workday. The FDM combines Ledger Accounts + Organizations + Worktags. It also allows HR and Finance units to share information.

My Tasks: In My Tasks, you can access work, or tasks, that require your action. My Tasks includes notifications, tasks, approvals, due dates, and other items sent to you as part of a business processes. Your assigned tasks will depend on your Security Role and Sup Org.

Security Role: Security Roles grant permissions and define what you can see and do in Workday. Security Roles are assigned to employees who are accountable for initiating and approving transactions in Workday.​

Supervisory Organization: Supervisory Organizations (Sup Orgs) group workers into a hierarchy based on reporting relationships. Sup Orgs report to another to form the Supervisory Organization Hierarchy.

Want to learn more? Search by Workday module to learn more of the new terms that’ll be part of your daily work.